Productized Podcast with Howard Tiersky— Winning Digital Customers

4 min readJun 23, 2021


We talked with Howard Tiersky, WSJ Bestselling Author, Top 10 Digital Transformation Influencer, and CEO of From, the Digital Transformation Agency. Howard is on a mission to help brands navigate digital transformation — to re-invent their customer journeys to earn the love of today’s “Digital Customers.”

Time Notes

[2:30] Howard's new book “Winning Digital Customers: The Antidote to Irrelevance”

[6:00] How Howard tried to fit all the secrets to digital transformation on the book

[7:21] Superpowers of a Digital Transformation leader

Speak the language of Technology and business and, marketing, time travel to predict the needs of today and Predict the future

[8:21] How Howard started his career as a theater director and web designer

[11:38] What is the top-secret superpower that came out from those days as a Director and as a Web Designer

[13:20] 3 levels to achieve Customer Love

“Achieving the love of your customer is one of the most extraordinary things that you can do in a business. Most companies aren´t there yet, but those that achieve financial benefits as a result of that”

But, how do you make a customer love you? You can’t force them, but you can inspire them!

What causes people to love 😍 a brand?

📌First Level: Meet your customers need consistently (requirement, but not sufficient)

📌Second Level: Create occasion delight

📌Third Level: Stand for something they care about

[19:37] Major customer pains, and how digital as overcome that

[22:23] Experience and Process Redesigning the Avis app 🚗

  1. Research to understand each slice of the journey
  2. What is great? What are the Pain points? — Create a Pain Map

[27:33] Working with some of the largest brands in their digital transformation

[37:04] What do you think is the biggest digital transformation trend we’re seeing today and we’ll see in 10 years?

[41:45] The Main Skill of a Digital Transformation Team




Written by Productized

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